Autonomous business process (ABP)

Autonomous business process (ABP) management is an approach to business process governance that seeks to optimize o fluxo de trabalho do processo sem assistência humana. Os agentes de software inteligente ABP, também conhecidos como bots, são projetados para descobrir e mapear independentemente os processos de negócios e usar algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina (ML) para melhorar o fluxo do processo.

ABP é uma área de automação de processos de negócios que aproveita tecnologias como identificação por radiofreqüência (RFID) e computação autonômica. <>Embora ainda seja uma tecnologia emergente, os fornecedores estão começando a rotular o software de automação de processos robóticos (RPA) "ABP" se o software puder melhorar a eficiência nas seguintes áreas:

  • Auto-geração de documentos repetíveis, como contratos, faturas ou documentos de empréstimo.
  • Servicing customer support requests within an enterprise, including the routing of tickets to departments or contacts.
  • Planning the transportation of goods in supply chain and logistics applications.

The ultimate goal of ABP software is to be able to autonomously determine the role of people, technology and data in a particular business process and independently figure out how to optimize it. When fully realized, ABP is expected to create a sea change for process management, including discovery, business process modeling, analytics and optimization. 

Autonomous Process Discovery and Modeling

  • Automatically identify process flows in new systems ("process discovery").
  • Automatic process documentation.
  • Automatically discover explicit as well as implicit process flows by observing actual human, data, and system operation.
  • Automatically discover the entities with which a business interacts.

Autonomous Process Analytics and Management

  • Automatically identify actual key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that determine process efficiency.
  • Automatically use overall business goals to measure how discovered processes are actually performing.
  • Automatically identify people, data, and system bottlenecks.

Autonomous Process Optimization

  • Automatically anticipate and mitigate process flow exceptions.
  • Automatically understand system data and interface changes, and make dynamic process changes.
  • Autonomously find and fix missing or incorrect data.