Space Communications Protocol Specifications (SCPS)

Space Communications Protocol Specifications (SCPS) are a set of new protocols and extensions to existing protocols to adapt IP communications to the unique environment of space.

These new and updated protocols are designed to improve reliability, error checking, efficiency and performance in communications between ground locations, manned craft and satellites.

A pilha de protocolos no SCPS usa os seguintes protocolos e melhorias:

  • SCPS-FP - extensões FTP aumentando a eficiência e adicionando a verificação da integridade dos arquivos, bem como registros de atualização integrados aos arquivos.
  • SCPS-TP - opções ajustáveis do lado do remetente como maior atraso, taxa de erro e tolerâncias de assimetria.
  • SCPS-SP - A new security protocol for space.
  • SCPS-NP – A network protocol similar to but incompatible with IP including bit level efficiency.

The SCPS were created by the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS), which includes most of the world's space organizations.